Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Dread

'blue-lighted tree' photo (c) 2011, greyloch - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/The fun of Halloween is over and now the dread is setting in.  The dread of the upcoming holiday season.  I used to love the holidays but over the last five years that love has turned into a serious case of dread.  All the planning and coordinating of schedules, followed by dealing with "family" that I would rather avoid can be taxing.  This year I can add to the mix the death of my sister and the dread is compounded.  I wish I had a skip button that would allow me to bypass the holidays altogether.  Simply writing this paragraph has me in tears.  So, here is my second warning that this year the holidays may be too much for me to handle.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Memories

Andrea, Stephen, and Erica at Halloween 1984
Throughout the day I found myself thinking about Halloweens of the past.  Growing up we lived in the country and the only trick-or-treaters we received was family.  Every year my mother would make our Halloween costumes, some were elaborate and others simple.  We dressed up for school and many years the school had a Halloween carnival.  If the weather was good we would load up into the car and drive into town to trick-or-treat.  It was always a big deal to us country kids.  All these Halloween memories were made with my sister.  So tonight wouldn't be complete without a post in my blog about my Halloween memories.  Happy Halloween!