Friday, March 16, 2012

Blogging as Therapy

'Journal Entry' photo (c) 2010, Joel Montes de Oca - license: my sister passed away I knew it was going to be hard for me.  I knew several friends that sought counseling after a divorce or a death in their lives.  Keeping a journal was one therapy tool that many of them used to cope with their feelings.  I decided to use blogging as therapy.  I knew it would help me process my thoughts and my family and friends could read my posts.  I know a blog about death and grieving is not the most popular but for my purpose it has helped me cope with my loss.  The one thing that binds us all together is that nobody is immune to loss.  Each of us deals with loss in our own way and I hope my blog will help others realize that their not alone in their pain.  Death can be hard to talk about and I knew I didn't want to internalize my feelings.  Blogging as therapy has worked for me.  There is some comfort in knowing that when my nieces are old enough and they want to read my feelings about losing their mother my blog will be here for them.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, Your blog has been very helpful to me and your family. The thoughts that you have put into words has impacted many of us. I appreciate your special thoughts and points that you have made and they have helped me daily. I read every posting that you make and it has been helpful. Thank you for your time and thoughts. You are a special and gifted person who has brought helpful thoughts to many of us. Thank you.
